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The Hercules II Course Lesson 3 ebook is for intermediate level lifters and features a full body program featuring bodyweight exercises from Vince Gironda that are an excellent intermediate conditioning program. New exercises are given to add to the previous courses 1 and 2. 

Exercises such as the Fulcrum Push Up and Sissy Squat are introduced. Intermediate lifters are also encouraged to learn hand balancing as this will lead to fantastic upper body development.

The ebooklet introduces topics such as gaining weight and diets for muscular bulk. A comprehensive course on hand balancing is also included.

The exercises are all explained in detail and illustrated by Robert Nailon, an Australian golden era bodybuilder who was very good friends with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Ebook is 22 pages long.

Hercules II Course Lesson 3 ebook

CHF 10.00Price

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