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The Hercules II Course Full Body Calisthenics ebook is a full body program featuring bodyweight exercises that are an excellent beginners conditioning program prior to serious bodybuilding training. Arnold Schwarzenegger used a very similar program as a teenager prior to bodybuilding. 

It is ideal for absolute novices that have never touched a weight. For example, middle-aged people that have lived sedentary lives or the young teenager that needs to learn how to use their bodies.

The ebooklet contains topics such as recovery tools like food, diet and sleep, the exercises, sets and rest, training frequency, what to wear and hygiene.

The exercises are all explained in detail and illustrated by Robert Nailon, an Australian golden era bodybuilder who was very good friends with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Anatomy charts are also provided to educate the novice about the human body.

Ebook is 17 pages long.

Hercules II Course Full Body Calisthenics ebook

CHF 10.00Price

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