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This is the rare second edition of Vince Gironda's Abdominals.  Unlike the first original edition which is also on sale on this website, you will find images of how to perform certain exercises that you will not find in the other abdominal courses by Vince Gironda, as well as the diets reommended by Vince to bring out the abdominals. Every edition that Vince came out with was different.  This website has a total of 4 different editions, each different. This is thanks to a new collaboration with Karl Coyne, author of the Vince's Secret Locker series.

Within you will find how to manipulate your metabolism to burn fat and bring out the musculature of the abdominals using diet and supplements. Vince also describes the exercises necessary to bring out muscular detail, and which to avoid. The ebooklet is very old, and it could be of better quality, but the information found within is priceless!! 24 pages describing Vinces 25 years of experience. Enjoy

Abdominals by Vince Gironda 2nd edition ebook

CHF 15.00Price

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